
Morning English


I am in a hurry.


I am in a hurry的意思就是我在趕時間”.

這句話是in a hurry的應用. In a hurry可以用在很多地方上..


l      Please be brief because I am in a hurry. (請長話短說因為我在趕時間)

l      You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry. (如果你匆匆忙忙的做事,那就很容易犯錯)

l      He/She was in a hurry to leave. (/ 急於離開)


I am sorry.


I am sorry的中文意思是對不起/抱歉




l      I am sorry to hear that. (很遺憾聽到這個消息)

l      Sorry about that. (不好意思)

l      I feel sorry for you. (我很同情你)


No problem./It’s ok.


No problem and It’s ok 的意思都可以是沒關係”.

No problem還可以有沒問題的意思.


l      A: I am sorry to have kept you waiting. (很遺憾聽到這個消息)

B: No problem./It’s ok. (沒關係)

l      A: Could you post this letter for me? (可以幫我寄這封信嗎?)

B: No problem. (沒問題)


Where are you going?


Where are you going? 的中文意思是/妳要去哪裡?


l      Where are you going for your vacation this summer?(今年夏天你要去哪裡度假?)

l      Hey, where are you going? (,你要去哪裡?)

l      A:Where are you going? (你要去哪裡?)

B:I’m going to the cinema.(我要去電影院.)




Morning English



Are you okay?

Are you okay?的中文意思就是你還好嗎?”是非常實用的英語.


l      You don’t sound very good. Are you okay? (你聽起來不是很健康.你還好嗎?)

l      Are you okay? You don’t look well. (你還好嗎?你看起來氣色不太好.)


Be careful!

Be careful的中文意思是小心點”. 要注意的是他的用法應該用於未發生請小心的階段. 像如果你看到小孩子在玩,要叫他們小心點=Hey, be careful!:


l      Be careful Linda, this knife’s very sharp. (小心點,琳達. 這個刀子很鋒利)

l      Be careful when you cross the road. (過馬路時要小心點)

l      Next time, please be careful. (下一次要小心點)

Let’s play basketball.

這句話的中文意思是來打籃球吧”. 只要在Let's play後面加上球類運動的英文就會變成來打xxx球吧的意思.


l      Let’s play dodgeball. (來打躲避球吧)

l      Let’s play soccer. (來踢足球吧)

l      Let’s play baseball. (來打棒球吧)

See you later.


See you later的中文意思是再見或是回頭見”.要注意的是在這裡有代表著未來還會跟對方見面的意思.


l      I’ll see you later, I have a couple things to do. (回頭見,我現在要先去處理一些事)

l      It is very nice to meet you, see you later. (很高興認識妳,再見)




Morning English



          1. God bless you


當有人打噴嚏時可以跟他說 "god bless you" 來表示關心. 這句話的典故據說是在打噴嚏的時候是惡魔掐住你的脖子,讓你的靈魂藉機從身體逃脫,而惡魔也可以趁機進入你的身體,因此週遭的人會說"bless you" or "God bless you"來幫助打噴嚏的人對抗惡魔,阻擋惡靈的入侵。

2. Excuse me

Excuse me是一句非常實用的英文片語,可以用來代表以下意思:


l      請問…? : Excuse me, does this bus go to the railwaystation? 請問這公共汽車去火車站嗎?

l      借過 : "Excuse me. " 他一邊說著 "借過" 一邊從人群中擠過。

l      對不起 : Excuse me, just a moment. 對不起,請稍候。

l      希望你們不介意 : If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go back to my office. 如果你不見怪的話, 我要回辦公室去了。

3. It’s over there


It’s over there的中文意思就是在那裡”. 可以用在於指引一個場所或是一個東西的所在地.


l      A: Excuse me, where is the toilet? 不好意思,請問廁所在哪裡?

B: It’s over there. 在那裡.

l      A: Where is the eraser? 橡皮擦在哪裡?

B: It’s over there.


4. May I go to the bathroom?


May I go to the bathroom?的中文意思就是我可以去洗手間嗎?”. 是一句非常實用的英文. 有時候也可以用Can I go to the bathroom?是相同的意思但是”May I” 會比”Can I” 來的有禮貌.




1/2月英文晨光時間                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          錄音檔    

Morning English



1.  Windy (風大的) Rainy (下雨的) Sunny (大太陽的) Cloudy (多雲的)



2.  A: How’s the weather? (天氣怎麼樣?)


B: It’s_______.



3.  A: Where are you? (你在哪裡?)


B: I am at home/school. (我在家/學校.)



4.  A: Where are you? (你在哪裡?)


B: I am in the_______ .(我在____)


Supermarket (超市) Bookstore (書店) Park (公園)






Morning English



1.  Sunday (星期日) Monday (星期一) Tuesday (星期二)

Wednesday (星期三) Thursday (星期四) Friday (星期五)

Saturday (星期六)


2. song: Days of the week                                                                                      連結

Days of the week. X5

There’s Sunday and there’s Monday,

There’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday,

There’s Thursday and there’s Friday,

And then there’s Saturday.

Days of the week. X5


3. A: What day is today?     (今天星期幾?)


B: It’s ______.    (今天是星期_____.)


4.          A: Is today ____? (今天是星期____?)


B: Yes, it is. (是的.今天是星期____.)


  No, it isn’t. It’s ____. (不是的.是星期_____.)



Morning English



1. A: How old are you?      (你幾歲?)


B: I am ____ years old. How about you?  (__,你呢?)


 A: I am ____ years old. (__)


2.  A: What grade are you in?  (你是幾年級?)


B: I am in ____ grade.  (我是___年級)


First=一年級 Second=二年級 Third=三年級

Fourth=四年級     Fifth=五年級 Sixth=六年級


3.  A: What are you doing?   (你在做甚麼?)


B: I am ______.  (我在_____.)


Eating=吃東西   Writing=寫東西   Reading=閱讀

Singing=唱歌 Studying=讀書




Morning English



1.               A: How are you?  (你好嗎?)

 B: I am fine. How’s it going? (我很好,你呢?)


A: Great!  (好極了!)


2.            A: What’s your name?   (你叫什麼名字?)

  B: My name is David.What’s your name?

    (我的名字是David, 你叫什麼名字?)

  A: My name is Claudia. (我的名字是Claudia)


3. A: Where are you from? (你是從哪裡來的?)

 B: I am from America.Where are you

    from? (我來自美國, 你是從哪裡來的?)

 A: I am from Taiwan.   (我來自台灣)


4. A: Nice to meet you. (很高興認識你)

 B: Nice to meet you,too.  (我也很高興認識你)